Re-Elect Mike Steele

First elected in 2016, State Representative Mike Steele is currently serving his fourth term in the Washington State House of Representatives. He currently serves as the Deputy Minorty Leader in the House of Representatives. He is the Assistant Ranking Member of the Capital Budget Committee and serves the House Executive Rules and Rules Committee and K-12 Education Committee. Mike has been an incredible advocate for the people of the 12th Legislative District. He has spent his entire professional career advocating for small business. He grew up here. He was educated in our school system.  He still works in the 112-year-old family orchard business overseeing the company finances and payroll. He has a committed track record of community involvement and philanthropy. He understands the issues that face the small business owners and the people of our district and has been active in sponsoring legislation that supports those ideals. 

Mike’s legislative priorities include;  building better policies around education, leading to the development of a skilled workforce, focusing on balancing the budget and building small business tax policy that decreases red-tape and tax burdens, reforming the healthcare system in our state that ensures choice of coverage, affordability and cost containment for all employees and consumers and developing transportation policies that enhance and maintain the infrastructure in our district, critical to our districts’ business climates and economic future.

Please take a moment to explore my website and learn a little about me. I am so proud to be representing the people of the 12th district. Do not hesitate to contact me with questions or thoughts.

Mike works with small business owners everyday. These business owners work hard to employee people, give to their communities and provide economic stability to communities they operate in. It is imperative that the State does their part to ensure the economic successes of our district. This is accomplished through balancing the state budget while promoting and protecting economic development opportunities and our state competitiveness rankings. We need to reduce regulatory red tape and paperwork burdens facing employers.

We need to make sure the regulatory environment and tax policies in our state make running a business and employing people possible.

Representing our communities: